Password Reset Utility

Registering with the Password Reset Tool

Enrolling into our remote password reset utility will allow you to reset your district password when you're away from campus.

1) Go to on any internet connected device. 

2) Log in using using the same credentials you use to log into your district computer/Aeries (firstname.lastname and the same password)

3) Follow the on screen instructions to create two security questions

4) Done!

Please note, when you use this tool while away from campus, the password on your district issued computer, will not update until you bring the computer on campus and connect to the campus network. Google, Aeries, and other cloud based programs will not require visiting campus and password changes will be nearly instantaneous.

Resetting Your Password

If you are OFF SITE and CAN log into your account

1) Go to on any internet connected device.

2) Log in using using the same credentials you use to log into your district computer (firstname.lastname and the same password)

3) Select "Manage Password" from the top toolbar.

4) Follow the on screen instructions to create a new password

5) Done!

If you are OFF SITE and CANNOT log into your account

1) Go to on any internet connected device.

2) Select the "Reset Password" option

3) Enter your username (firstname.lastname)

4) Answer your two security questions

5) Create a new password

5) Done!

If you are ON SITE:

1) Make sure you are logged into your district issued laptop and connected to the internet

2) Press Ctrl + Alt + Delete keys at the same time

3) Select the "Change a password" option

4) Follow the on screen instructions

5) Done!

Password Requirements

-At least 8 Characters Long.

-Password can not contain any part of your name.

-You can not use an old password.

-At least 3 of these 4 types of characters


Lower Case Letters: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

Numbers: 0123456789

Symbols: `~!@#$%^&*()_-+={}[]\|’”;:,./?